Prey Lovear village, Sangkat Chom Chao 1 , Khan Po Senchey, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Future Light Organization is a Cambodian non-profit organization which aims to assist poor children, orphans, children with a single parent, and children who have been abandoned. Children of both sexes are provided with safe housing, food, clothing, and school supplies, as well as being sent to public schools to learn basic skills.
The Centre is registered with the Ministry of Interior and licensed by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth Rehabilitation with the mission of assisting Cambodian children in need to live lives filled with purpose and dreams.
After the children return from public school, the centre offers one-hour classes in English language and computer skills five days a week. They will be able to apply this knowledge in the future and have a better chance of finding better employment once they leave the centre.
FLO is dedicated to nurturing and preparing Cambodian children in need to live healthy, happy, moral, and productive lives, enabling them to become self-confident with the skills to help lead Cambodia toward a brighter future.
- To improve the quality of life of children in need through capacity development
- To provide basic needs, such as food, shelter, clothing, medical care, etc. to orphans and vulnerable children.
- To enable the targeted children to access formal education.
- To provide vocational training to FLO’s children reliance.
- To provide proper understanding and knowledge for healthy assimilation into Khmer culture and society
FLO also established a Higher Education Program to provide children with opportunities to continue their education after high school. Scholarships are available for qualified students to attend university or a vocational training school.
Students meet with the staff on a regular basis during their senior year of high school to discuss their plans after graduation. These young adults are encouraged to pursue their chosen field of study or vocational skills, but they are also directed to fields that are in high demand in the local job market. The primary goal of the Higher Education Program is to assist students in becoming highly desirable and qualified potential employees when the time comes to begin their careers.
Most universities offer four-year degrees, whereas vocational schools typically offer 1-2 year certification programs. All students begin looking for part-time jobs during or after their first year in the Program. While gaining valuable work experience, they also begin the process of adjusting to life outside of their institution. Most students earn enough money by the beginning of their second year to cover their own room and board. During this time, many students choose or are encouraged to live on their own. Even when this occurs, all students maintain regular contact with their institution's staff and continue to receive tuition funding and other financial assistance from FLO.